The establishment of a Network of Regional Partners Italea Card is part of the PNRR <<Turismo delle Radici Project >>, promoted by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and National Cooperation, in particular by its General Directorate of Italians Abroad (DGIT), aimed at encouraging visits to the origin places by Italian-descendants and Italians native in the world, the so-called “ROOTS TOURISM”(Italian “talee”).
The Tourism Vision that the Project as a whole and the Italea Partner Network specifically adopt is based on values of conservation and promotion of territory, local traditions and cultures, inclusive hospitality respecting all differences.
The inspiring values are formally expressed in the MEMBERSHIP MANIFESTO ( that the Partners of the Network undertake to recognize and respect by signing it.
Any corporate structure, firm, association, professional people offering services in the tourism sector, adherent to the founding values of Italea Card can apply to join the circuit by fullfilling the specific Registration FORM (
The membership request is subject to validation by the Regional Coordination and Supervision Structure of the Project which:
- will accredit the applicant, after verifying the essential parameters of truthfulness of the declaration, generating the access credentials to the online platform through which the Partner can present his offer
- will support the Partner in any problems with uploading online contents
- will have the possibility, at its sole discretion and without obligation to provide explanations, to revoke the Partner status in the event that it has verified the non-existence of behavior consistent with what expressed in the offer presented on the platform or the presence of any element not mentioned requiring removal from the platform.
The accredited Partner is enabled and is "required" to describe its tourist structure/offer on the platform, within the various CATEGORIES provided by the system, through the insertion of simple textual contents and the uploading of proprietary images. The system will allow the Partner to proceed autonomously in this activity, subject to the supervision and validation of the regional coordinator.
Once the contents have been inserted, the web platform will automatically layout its in a SHOWCASE SHEET whose contents will be translated into English, Spanish, Portuguese and therefore usable for international tourists. Once uploaded, the system will generate a unique identification CODE for the PARTNER which at this point will also be recognizable through a specific window sticker to be displayed locally.
Among the descriptive CONTENTS of its offer, the Partner must indicate the ADVANTAGE it intends to reserve for the "Roots Traveler", in the form of a discount, particular promotion, additional experience, free gift, extraordinary openings, particular supply and/or payment conditions, etc. etc.
Every traveler registered on the Portal, by showing his ITALEA CARD number, will be able to use it.
4.1 Great visibility on a national and international scale
The ITALEA Project as a whole and the Network of Territorial Partners will be the subject of a strong advertising operation on an international scale, promoted both by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Tourism, as well as by specific promotional events organized in Iatly and in the target countries on a global scale. (Just to mention the main countries of Italian emigration over the years: Argentina, Uruguay, Brazil, United States, Canada and Australia, Switzerland, Germany, France, Belgium).
There are approximately 80 million Italians and Italian-descendants in the world, potential audiences of the project and users of the ITALEA Network services. The access to the offers of the ITALEA Partners will be possible from the Official Site of the Project, from the Regional Promotion Sites, from the official website of Italian Tourism
4.2 Possibility to increase your visibility within the Portal
The system provides additional REWARDS for Partners who can "push" their visibility within the circuit by socialization and communication actions that the platform will propose from time to time, as well as through their own BEST PRACTICES of behavior and initiative.
These "positive actions" will allow the Partners to earn ITALEE, a symbolic "trading currency" of the Network, which will allow them to climb positions of visibility and access further advantages that will be defined and communicated during the course of the Project.
To become accredited Partners of the ITALEA Network it is necessary to know and accept all its operating REGULATIONS
I declare that I have read this REGULATION and accept it in all its components
I assume legal responsibility for the truthfulness of the contents included in the portal relating to my proposal and for the authenticity and ownership of the images used.
I authorize the Ministry to use my published contents and materials for promotional purposes of the project